CSR Activity | シー エス アー
Farmer Children's Scholarship

As a Japanese style restaurant, HokBen uses a lot of fresh vegetables in its menu. Carrots, Cabbage, Radishes, Pappers and Leeks are some of the types of vegetables that HokBen buys from various suppliers. In order to create a good synergy between HokBen with Vegetable Suppliers and also Farmers fostered by suppliers, HokBen started the Farmer Children Scholarship program (Educational Support Program fro Children of HokBen's Vegetable Supplier) in 2012. The scholarship program, which is held regularly every years, is given to children of farmers who are students of elementary, junior and senior high schools in Ciloto, Sukabumi, Pengalengan, Lembang, Semarang adn Sleman - Jogjakarta.