HokBen History | マイルストーン
Present for the first time HokBen is present on the island of Sulawesi, to be precise at Mal Ratu Indah, Makasar, South Sulawesi on April 7 2023. HokBen Mal Ratu Indah Makassar is the 355th outlet spread across 77 cities in Indonesia.
On March 10 2023, HokBen was present for the first time in South Kalimantan, namely in the city of Banjarmasin. Precisely at Duta Mal Banjarmasin, Floor 1. The Duta Mal Banjarmasin HokBen outlet is the 350th HokBen outlet in all of Indonesia and also the second outlet on the island of Kalimantan.
For the first time HokBen is present on the island of Borneo, to be precise at Kubu Raya, Pontianak, West Kalimantan on December 22 2022. HokBen Gaia Bumi Raya City, Ground Floor is the 343rd store spread across 67 cities in Indonesia.
The first time it was present in East Kalimantan, precisely at Samarinda Big Mall. HokBen is here on March 17, 2023. This HokBen outlet is the 351st HokBen in all of Indonesia.
On March 24, 2023 the second HokBen outlet was present in East Kalimantan, namely at the HokBen E-Walk Balikpapan which is the 352nd outlet spread across 72 cities in Indonesia.
After the opening in Jambi City, HokBen is now back in Bengkulu Province which is the first time in Bengkulu City which is located at HokBen Bencoolen Mall, Bengkulu City on June 26, 2022
After opening in Jambi and Bengkulu cities, HokBen is back in Padang Province, which is located at HokBen Transmart Padang, Padang City, West Sumatra on July 1, 2022 and this Padang store is HokBen's 300th store in Indonesia.
HokBen again expanded its network on the island of Sumatra, precisely in Jambi Province on April 24, 2022 as many as 2 stores, namely at HokBen Jambi Town Square, located on Jl. Captain Pattimura No. 88, Simpang III Sipin, Jambi City, and HokBen Jambi Prima Mall which is located on Jl. Jen. Sudirman No. 90, Talang Jauh, Jambi City.

On October 23, 2020, HokBen introduced a new outlet concept, namely HokBen Kitchen, a store that only serves take-away and delivery orders. HokBen Kitchen is expected to serve customers more quickly because it is easier to reach by online delivery fleets.
Currently, there are 93 HokBen Kitchens which are currently spread across several cities in Java and Sumatra.


On January 28 2020, HokBen was present for the first time in Medan City, North Sumatra. Located on the 4th floor of Sun Plaza Medan. As of September 2022 HokBen has 9 outlets in North Sumatra Province.
And as of March 31 2023, HokBen has added outlets on the island of Sumatra, to be precise at Suzuya Mall, Rantau Prapat, North Sumatra.
Now HokBen already has 13 outlets in North Sumatra Province

In March 12, 2019, HokBen (PT.Eka Boga Inti) has received ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certificate from BSI (British Standard Institution)


On September 27, 2017, HokBen received Halal Assurance System Certificate No.HC574/LPPOMMUI/X/2017 from LPPOM MUI. By obtaining this Halal Assurance System Certificate, public should not hesitate in consuming HokBen products.

On August 17, 2016 HokBen Apps was launched. With the tagline "Now You and HokBen are only as close as Chopsticks". This app provides easiness in 'Customer Journey' experience in ordering HokBen’s menu.

Starting on October 15th 2013, Hoka Hoka Bento has become HokBen. Now with newly fresh and friendly appearances, offers, services and surroundings.

Introducing multi-cashier service and Debit/Credit Card payment.

Expanding branches to Central Java (Yogyakarta, Semarang, Solo) and Bali. As of September 2022, there are 3 stores in Bali and 14 outlets in the Joglosemar area (Yogyakarta, Solo, Semarang).
And as of March 31 2023, HokBen has opened another outlet on the island of Java, to be precise on Jl. Tidar No. 15, Magelang City. Now there are 15 HokBen outlets spread across the Joglosemar area (Yogyakarta, Solo, Semarang).

The launching of HokBen Drive Thru. Now, HokBen Drive Thru is available at : HokBen Alam Sutera, HokBen Summarecon Boulevard Bekasi, HokBen BSD Square, HokBen Harapan Indah, HokBen Transyogi Cibubur, HokBen Grand Wisata Bekasi, HokBen Ciater Pamulang, HokBen Bojongsari Depok, HokBen Puspitek Pamulang, HokBen Yasmin Bogor, HokBen Slamet Riyadi Solo, HokBen Polisi Istimewa Surabaya, HokBen Majapahit Semarang, HokBen Srondol Semarang, HokBen Marlboro Bali dan HokBen Antasari Bandarlampung, HokBen Citra Raya, HokBen Graha Pena Surabaya, HokBen Bintaro Jaya Tangsel, HokBen Ring Road Medan, HokBen Ruko Riau Pekanbaru, HokBen Plaju Palembang.

HokBen received a Halal Certification from the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) with Halal Certificate No. 00160048830908.
Launching of HokBen Website with online order feature and introducing the Kidzu Bento as menu package for kids.

Call Center of HokBen Delivery Service ( 1 500 505 ) was launched.

The opening of the first store in Surabaya. Today, Hoka Hoka Bento has 22 stores that spread in various locations in Surabaya, Sidoarjo and Malang.

The opening of the first store in Bandung. To date, Hoka Hoka Bento has had 32 stores that spread in various locations in West Java.

HokBen (the new name of Hoka Hoka Bento) was established in Jakarta on 18 April 1985, under the license of PT. Eka Bogainti. The first restaurant was the Kebon Kacang branch.